Sudhakar Panda

Research Summary:

We investigated the effective action of the tachyon field on a D-brane, of both bosonic as well as superstring theory. It is found that the non-standard kinetic term of the tachyon field requires a correction to the Dirac-Born-Infeld Lagrangian. Using the tachyon potential, derived in boundary string field theory, the dynamics of the rolling tachyon was studied in the context of inflationary scenario in cosmology (work with D. Choudhury, D. Ghoshal and D.P. Jatkar).

The bosonic string theory is formulated in the background of generic electromagnetic field and its quantum dynamics is studied. For specific configurations of the background electric and magnetic fields the thermodynamical properties of the system, in the gravity decoupling limit, are studied (work with S. Kar).

We ahve constructed the action for N-coincident D0-branes which is targetspace supersymmetric and invariant under local world line fermionic kappa-symmetry in D-dimensional N=2 superspace. The action has a generic structure determined by a super- and kappa-invariant effective mass which is a generic function of SU(N) fields of the theory and their momenta and which also depends on the spatial momentum of the center of mass of the system. Comparision has been made for the ND0-brane action with that of Matrix theory (work with S.S. Pal and D. Sorokin).

The scalar potential of gauged N=4 supergravity with matter is studied. The constriants on the matter scalars are solved in terms of an explicit parametrisation of an SO(6, 6+n) element. In a particular example of noncompact groups and four scalars, we find a potential with an absolute minimum and a positive cosmological constant (work with M. deRoo and D. B. Westra).


(1) Choudhury D., Ghoshal D, Jatkar D.P. and Panda S., On the Cosmological Relevance of the Tachyon, PHys. Lett. B544 (2002) 231.

(2) Kar S. and Panda S., Electromagnetic Strings: complimentarity between time and temperature, JHEP 11 (2002) 052.

(3) de Roo M., Panda S. and Westra D.B., De Sitter solution in N=4 matter coupled supergravity, JHEP 02 (2003) 003.

(4) Panda S. and Sorokin D., Supersymmetric and Kappa-invariant coincident D0-branes, JHEP 02 (2003) 055.


(1) On the Cosmological Relevance of the Tachyon, D. Choudhury, D. Ghoshal, D.P. Jatkar and S. Panda, hep-th/0204204.

(2) Electromagnetic Strings: complimentarity between time and temperature, S. Kar and S. Panda, hep-th/0205078.

(3) Coincident Dp-branes in codimension two, S.S. Pal and S. Panda, hep-th/0211115.

(4) De Sitter solution in N=4 matter coupled supergravity, M. de Roo, S. Panda and D.B. Westra, hep-th/0212216.

(5) Supersymmetric and Kappa-invariant coincident D0-branes, S. Panda and D. Sorokin, hep-th/0301065.

Conference/Workshops Attended:

(1) International Workshop on String Theory, HRI, Allahabad (2002).

(2) PASCOS-2003, TIFR, Mumbai (2003).

(3) Workshop on String Theory, IACS, Kolkata (2003).

Visits to other Institutes:

(1) BITS, Pilani (2002).

(2) University of Groningen, The Netherlands (2002).

(3) TIFR, Mumbai (2003).

(4) IACS, Kolkata (2003).

Invited Lectures/Seminars:

(1) Pulling the World with Strings; BITS, Pilani.

(2) Tachyon Condensation and Cosmology; Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands.

(3) De Sitter solution in gauged N=4 supergravity; IACS, Kolkata.

(4) Unification of Interaction in Nature; IERT, Allahabad.

(5) What is String Theory; IERT, Allahabad.

Other Activities:

Organiser, Intrnational Workshop on String Theory, HRI, Allahabad.

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