Harish-Chandra Lectures
S.No. | Title of Harish-Chandra Lecture | Speaker's Name & Affiliation | Year |
Time-frequency analysis within mathematics and music | Joachim, Toft Linnaeus University, Sweden | 06-12-2019 | |
A timely approach to Fourier Analysis | Hans G Feichtinger University of Vienna, Austria | 25-01-2018 | |
The achievements of the department in science and technology | Sekhar Basu Department of Atomic Energy, India | 21-03-2016 | |
Light in a medium - Fast light, Slow light | H.S. Mani Ex-Director and Member Governing Council, HRI, India | 31-08-2015 | |
Boltzmann's Brain and Wigner's Friend | Charles H Bennett T.J Watson IBM Research Centre, Yorktown Heights, USA | 20-02-2015 |