References Page
Parallel Programming |
Benchmarks |
- HPL.A Portable Implementation of the High-Performance Linpack Benchmark.
- NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB).
- Memory System Performance Characterization.(MemPerf)
Packages/Subroutine Libraries |
- Intel Cluster Studio, Intel MKL
- Parallel Linear Algebra (PLAPACK), Gcc,Gfortran,compat-gcc-34-g77,
- ScaLAPACK, topdrawer, vasp,
- FFTW, Demon, Gauss view, gnuplot,
- PetSc(Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation)
- ATLAS(Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software).
- PGPLOT, Octave, Pvm-3.4, qwalk,
- Armadillo, Blas, Boost, Casino,
- Atlas, Grace, MPICH-2, NAG, g++.