Facilities » C8-Cluster Details
Supplier / Vendor : Technet Software Solutions
Processor Type : Intel Xeon(R) X5675 @ 3.07GHz
Architecture : 32/64 bit
Number of Nodes : 50
RAM per node : 48 GB
Interconnect : Gigabit Ethernet
Peak Performance @node : 45.3 Gflops
CPU Cores per Node : 12
Total number of cores : 600
Number of sockets per Node: 2
Number of Cores per Socket : 6
Resource Management : PBS/Torque with Maui scheduler.
Service period: 2012 – till now.
Status : In use.
Compilers & Libraries : gcc, icc, ifort and gfortran, Intel MKL, fftw, Goto BLAS and MPICH-2, gnuplot_grace, armadillo, atlas, octave, blas, boost, pvm-3.4, topdrawer, compat-gcc-34-g77, g++, NAG, casino, demon, gauss view, octave, qwalk, vasp.