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Apply for a HRI-HPC account:
Account is required to access HRI-HPC facility. These accounts are available to HRI faculty, research staff, and graduate students, Post-Docs with the Cluster Coordinator’s approval. In order to apply for a new account, please go to www.hri.res.in/cluster/Started/hrihpc.pdf and complete the account application and hand it over to Cluster System Admin. Information regarding “Username and Password” etc. would be shared over user’s email.
Conditions of Use:
- User accounts and passwords are for the sole use of the user to whom they are granted. Accounts and passwords must not be shared or disclosed to any other individual or organization.
- Access has been granted only to the specified tasks and network areas. Users must not attempt to gain access to any other areas of HRI-HPC.
- HRI-HPC reserves the right to revoke access at any time in response to inappropriate activity/usage.
Note:If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of these points, please send an email to us.