HRI      An Aided Institute of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India

Research in Physics

The physics group at Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI) consists of five major subgroups: Astrophysics, Condensed matter physics, High energy physics, Quantum Information and Computation, and String theory. Each group conducts research in various subtopics, viz., correlated electron systems, large scale structures, mesoscopic systems, N-body simulations, neutrino physics, quantum chromodynamics, quantum field theory in curved spacetime, spintronics, quantum information science and its interface with many-body physics and quantum optics, foundations of quantum mechanics, string theory and supersymmetric field theories. The group consists of 23 faculty members, 16 postdoctoral fellows, and 46 graduate students. An accompanying document contains more information on the research interests of individual members of the group.


Research interests of the astrophysics group at HRI are black hole astrophysics, cosmology, large scale structures in the universe, galaxy formation, N-body simulations and quantum field theory in curved background, relativistic and high energy astrophysics, black hole accretion, AGN, galactic and extra-galactic jets, quasi periodic oscillation, galactic centre astrophysics, Hawking radiation and analogue models.

Condensed Matter Physics

Research interests of the condensed matter physics group at HRI are field theory techniques in condensed matter physics, freezing in quantum liquids, heavy fermions, magnetism and transport at strong disorder, mesoscopic systems, quantum Monte Carlo methods for electronic structure and spintronics.

High Energy Physics

Research interests of the high energy physics group at HRI are astroparticle physics, brane-world models, neutrino physics, physics beyond the Standard Model, quantum chromodynamics and supersymmetric phenomenology.

String Theory

Research interests of the string theory group at HRI are AdS/CFT correspondence, black holes in string theory, noncommutative field theories, string field theory, string theory in Ramond backgrounds, supersymmetric gauge theories, tachyon cosmology and tachyon dynamics in open string theory.

Quantum Information and Computation (QIC)

Research interests of the QIC group at HRI are entanglement and all that, quantum communication, quantum cryptography, realizable quantum computing devices, especially ultra-cold gases and quantum optical systems, and foundations of quantum mechanics.